When it comes to the modification of child custody, courts do not take this subject lightly. However, if the court believes that a modification is truly in the best interests of the children involved, they will not hesitate in modifying existing child custody orders.
In California, courts like to see both parents and play a significant role in their children’s life. Judges will do what they can to encourage and facilitate this so that it is as the closest end result as possible. If you are seeking a modification, the court will lean towards a decision that will accommodate this ideology. In reaching this conclusion, courts will give the benefit of the doubt to whichever party’s request will lead to the parents sharing equal time with their children. As such, if a modification of the current custody order will bring the court closer to their “goal,” then the requesting party has a better chance of their request being granted.
When seeking a modification, the moving party will have to show a “substantial change of circumstances.” A whole number of issues can manifest under the umbrella of those guidelines in any post-judgment case.
Even if your request falls under one of these situations, again, you will have to show a “substantial change in circumstances,” and that this will truly be in the best interests of the involved children.